Saturday, April 15, 2017


Just as amazing as it is to sit and create beautiful things with one continuous piece of fibers that looks as is just like one long string of nothing, is the seasons and how they affect our emotions, and our lifestyles.

Sunshine surely is vital to a person's well being, yet at the same time light and the effect of the light from sunshine sure makes things come alive and creates a mixture of sound around us. Sunshine makes up pop into the light whereas before we just laid beneath it all, suddenly we are up and in tune with our surroundings. Do I like the change? Well.....being locked inside a cave like interior has its benefits as well. Distractions from the chaos sunshine brings is not always a welcome thing, yet it still has its positives as well. Fortunately neither darkness or light around here remains for long as in Indiana we have 4 very authentic and distinct seasons to either become an annoyance or to enjoy. I think as human beings, we all experience the annoyances and we all experience what we can enjoy about every season of time.

I think to live somewhere that there were no changes like this were be worse than ever.

Through our dark winter months here, it is nice to suddenly pop out of it like a bear that has been hyphenating throughout a winter season, look around and be able to see our surroundings a little better too. Spring opens up this awareness.

Then if a hot summer sets in, for me anyway, I feel the miserable state of being overwhelmingly HOT. This does not last long either, so to endure that for a just a "season of time" then fall which is my favorite time of all our seasons here arrives, the beautiful colors of fall all around me, and sinking back into a calmer period of time arrives and well.....yes.....we start all over again.....Christmas season is my favorite of all as it seems all people or the majority of people in my area at least come to a dead stop halt and oh how nice it is not to hear all the chaos of noise once created by those outside this place racing up and down the street, and even sounds like things bumping into each other, things dropping suddenly and BOOM, and the trains racing up down their tracks as well.....

I am a mood of collecting my favorite "yesterday" sitcoms and movies, taking me back still yet into many other places and times of my past in which I was....Bewitched is nice.....but I don't laugh out loud as much at the old Bewitched sitcoms as I have the I Dream of Jeanie. I can't understand why the Bewitched episodes were more popular, somewhere I read this, maybe at the time, they were a little more family oriented and I Dream of Jeanie is more toward a single lifestyle. It did ruin the sitcom though when Jeanie married her master, honestly, they should have continued just as Jeanie and Master, anyway,......................

I am not moving toward some of my other favorite past life movies, Rockford Files, I liked too, so crocheting and watching fake people live fake lifestyles and popping out into the spring here....

You can see what I have made and posted on Etsy to sell at this link:

I have made much more and not posted. These handbags sell like hotcakes at local farmer's markets, as well as the earrings......

Monday, April 3, 2017

I Dream of Jenie Sitcom

Interesting thing about watching these I Dream of Jenie episodes one right after another on the DVD's is that it really does read like chapters in a book, only in visual form. Very few I remember from my childhood days, but a few I do remember.

I am much more of a visual learner than reader. I would have already put the book of "I Dream of Jenie" to the side and stopped reading it, but seeing the chapters unfold from the first episode to nearing the end, I see that this series was actually a "book" about a man who found a bottle on a beach, opened it up and a beautiful woman came out with smoke who then was for the rest of her life subject to "pleasing" this man in any anything he could ever want.

From the beginning, he actually never wanted much of anything except what he could create with his own mind and two hands. He loves his career as an astronaut and has very little desire for marriage, but just likes his bachelor life as it is.

Jenie falls in love with him very soon and decides she is going to marry him. If she marries a mortal she will lose her Jenie powers.

In one episode with the help of a superior male genie she looks into the future to see that if she marries her mortal master her little girl will be a genie and her little boy with be a mortal. This is very similar to the Betwitched episodes which I am assuming also will be like reading a book from the beginning to the end only in "visual" content.

So funny how I never realized this fact until now. This is the day to the day life of Tony Nelson, the astronaut and the genie he found in a bottle on the beach and all the ridiculous funny things that can happen within this fantasy.

With life happening in between times for me as I watched some of these sitcoms growing up, I never knew what they were actually about until now that I am watching them one right after another. Once a week episodes did not stick with me. My memories of this sitcom was nothing like I am viewing now, so as a child, I must have not been much of a visual learner as I am now.

Too much else in my life going on though at the ages I saw these episodes. I am not a book reader at all, only something "how-to" do I read from step one to the last step and that is also only if I take the time to read every step.

Enjoying this "I Dream of Genie" Book. I wanted to read some books, but then again, I am not a book reader, so this is surely the next best thing for me anyway.

I am crocheting as I go along here,  handbags mostly at this time......I don't know how long I will have a mind to crochet. This is something that has never stuck with me, only come to me from time to time throughout my life, yet, I never had access to so many different patterns either without buying books and magazines, of which I hate to read. I can crochet from patterns, but I like best crocheting from the visual tutorials. And my favorite yarn so far is Red Heart. It has been the easiest to work with and they have huge range of color choices. No wonder it is America's favorite yarn.....I like it better than the Lion Brand or any other which is much more expensive.

Find a variety of handmade crochet items made by me here:

Sunday, April 2, 2017

Collecting Sitcom DVD's as I Crochet

Still, I am enjoying my leisure time here, yet, surely it is sure to end. I dread the end actually. Spring opening up has added to my routines here of mowing grass again, a chore I thought for sure at the age 60, I would not be able to do with the push mower. I got it done once for the season now, a challenge it was for certain.

Who knows what tomorrow's will bring. Tomorrows are not promised to any of us.

What happened?

I am not certain. Maybe I am a Jeanie as well.

I like the fantasy sitcoms of the 1960's and early 1970's after the family sitcoms ended, although I like those as well.

I am finding they are very entertaining and many of what I have I do not remember, so they are all sort of brand new, light-hearted comedies for me.

I Dream of Jeanie has been my first choice of this collection rampage, as I sit here crocheting handbags of many colors. I suppose I will change back to hats when the weather changes again.

I Dream of Jeanie first aired on television September 18, 1965. There were 139 episodes through 5 seasons. The sitcom ended May 26, 1970. The story line is of an American fantasy starring Barbara Eden as a 2,000 year old genie and Larry Hagman as an astronaut who released her from her bottle on failed mission somewhere on a lost island who then became her master. It was love at first sight for Genie. Marriage was her main goal throughout the entire series. She eventually marries Captain Tony Nelson (her master, Larry Hagman) on the series. There were new episodes through September 1970 with the season repeats on NBC.

Shop for handmade crochet items at:

Monday, February 13, 2017

The Smell of Fresh Perked Coffee

I like probably more than the actual cup. I love the warm, cozy feeling it brings to my house when it is cold outside. It is February 2017, and in my area 29 degrees. Winter has become my favorite time of the year. I have had one of the best winter seasons of my life I think. I can't remember when I had such a great winter, full of rest, full of coziness.....

I like the alertness Matcha Green Tea brings to me, but I have to admit the taste is horrid. I always have something flavorful to chase it down with. Coffee is a bit better for me in taste. Why drink the Matcha Green Tea if it tastes so bad? Well.....I drink it especially for the health benefits I have read about and the keen mental alertness I feel that is so unlike drinking coffee. There is no let down feeling after Matcha Green Tea up feeling, just a mellowing out kind of feeling. I drink coffee and feel a brief stimulation of alertness, but then a steep downhill feeling, something like eating too much sugar.

Brewing some coffee now, which is what motivated me to another blog post right now. Still crocheting, working on a hat that is one of my favorite patterns for beanie, the shell stitch beanie. I now have them in several colors and will be listing them over the next few days.

I have a regular assembly line going where I keep the hats until they are listed. I have a place to put them while they wait for picture taking, and then a place to put them while they wait to be listed, and then a final place for storage until they sell. This is the same for all my crochet items. It is just that I am so focused and interested in making the hats at the moment that I mention them here. I am trying different patterns, yet I collecting also my favorite patterns.

Check out all my crochet items here: Crochet Pretties Shop

The hat below is the popular "messy bun hat." See more photos of this hat here:
Crochet Pretties Shop
Price: $25 

Fond Memories: Bonanza

I like watching the old Bonanza "shows." This morning at 4:20 a.m., sit here crocheting a hat and watching an episode. They all have "names" of which I did not know as a child.

My fondest memory about these episodes is sitting on the couch with dad. I was around 6 years old as I was in first grade when we lived in this particular house. I sat one one side of dad, and my younger sister who must have been about 3 1/2 years old at the time sat on the other side.

It was Sunday night. Mom went to church on Sunday night. Dad was babysitting me and my sister. We usually sat with him, watched several T.V. shows together, ate snacks, etc.

Bonanza was one of my favorites to watch as well. Dad made up a little game for us to play together. In some of these episodes, the beginning was they showed all the players, the father and his three sons riding in on horses. Each one would have a close up shot and then their names given. We called them by their star names of Ben, Little Joe, Haus and the older brother, of whom at this writing I cannot remember his name. I knew all the names back in those days, and apparently my little sister knew the names too.

The game was who can guess which one they will show first. It was always different. Sometimes, they would show Little Joe first, sometimes the father (Ben) and other times Haus, or the oldest brother.

Dad turn took turns between my sister and I giving us both a chance to guess before they popped on the screen. There actually was no prize given to the winner, just a big laugh or "I got it right" kind of feeling of whoever guessed it correctly. Dad played the game as well.

The game before Bonanza just seemed to set the "fun time" and "enjoyment" for the episode. Dad seemed to get a thrill more when Debra or I guessed it correctly than when he guessed it. He would laugh and and give us a special hug, so I guess that was the "prize."

During a commercial, dad would go into the kitchen and bring us all back some kind of simple snack. It was like a night at the movies in our living room on Sunday night when mom was gone to church.

I enjoyed it immensely.

Check out my crochet items at Etsy. I am busy making hats while I watch my childhood favorites.

The above hat can be seen at this link: Crochet Pretties Shop
Price: $35

Monday, January 2, 2017

The Art of Crochet

Thе art of сrосhеt has bееn around fоr millеnniа. Around the wоrld, busy hаndѕ hаvе created lovely, frоthу сrосhеt tаblесlоthѕ, crochet dоiliеѕ, crochet bеdѕрrеаdѕ, аnd аll kinds оf crochet сlоthing articles, ѕimрlу uѕing the special hооkеd "nееdlе", ѕоmе hеаvу thread and a lоt оf wiѕdоm раѕѕеd dоwn through thе аgеѕ.

Because it'ѕ a labor intensive аrt, сrосhеt items аrе much bеlоvеd аnd become treasured hеirlооmѕ. The nеxt timе you're casting аbоut fоr a grеаt idеа for a wedding gift, соnѕidеr a сrосhеt bеdѕрrеаd or crochet tаblесlоth runner fоr that nеw tаblе. Thаt'ѕ thе kind оf рrеѕеnt nо one ever forgets who gave it оr fоr what occasion.

Thе сrаft оf сrосhеting requires lеѕѕ expensive ѕuррliеѕ and materials, whiсh are соmmоnlу thrеаdѕ аnd уаrnѕ that they саn рurсhаѕе in nearby mаrkеtѕ.

A person саn acquire a vаriеtу оf yarns аnd threads that аrе uѕеd tо mаkе a crochet рrоduсt. Thеrе are diffеrеnt tеxturеѕ аnd соlоrѕ hе mау choose dереnding оn thе tуре оf раttеrn or dеѕign thаt hе will create. Thеrе аrе bаѕiс tуреѕ оf уаrnѕ thаt аrе in thе mаrkеt nowadays. We have thе bаbу/fingеring, worsted wеight, chunky, sport/baby, аnd thе bulky types of уаrnѕ, whiсh аrе соmmоnlу used in сrосhеting аnd knitting.

Yаrnѕ аrе tурiсаllу lаbеlеd by their tуреѕ tо diѕtinguiѕh the уаrnѕ' ԛuаlitу. Thiѕ helps in idеntifуing whiсh ѕресifiс уаrn wоuld bе ѕuitаblе fоr a раrtiсulаr crochet рrоduсt. Mоrеоvеr, a реrѕоn may also nееd tо knоw the аmоunt оf skein, саrе instructions, gаugе, аnd the fibеr content оf the уаrnѕ.
Hеrе are some оthеr supplies aside frоm thе уаrn that аrе nееdеd tо create a particular crochet рrоduсt.

  1. Thе knitting nееdlеѕ аrе vеrу еѕѕеntiаl in сrосhеting. Thеу are commonly ѕtrаight аluminum, wooden and plastic mаdе mаtеriаlѕ. Thеу are available in diffеrеnt sizes frоm 2 millimeters to 15 millimeters. Thеу are purchased in раirѕ whеrе thеу fеаturе a knоb and роintеd еdgеѕ. Thiѕ dеѕign wаѕ made for preventing thе nееdlе tо ѕlidе whеn it iѕ left оn thе unfiniѕhеd сrосhеt рrоduсt.
  1. Thе сrосhеt hooks are uѕеd in catching the lоорѕ of thrеаd uѕеd in сrосhеting. They аlѕо drаw thе ѕtitсhеѕ mаdе frоm lооѕеning аnd ѕliding frоm thе сhаin stitches. Thеу also come in аluminum, plastic, and wооdеn mаdе mаtеriаlѕ. Thе wооdеn mаdе crochet hooks аrе the соmmоnlу used in doing a сrосhеt product bесаuѕе it iѕ еаѕiеr fоr thе fingers hаndlе and it is аlѕо соnѕidеrеd аѕ thе most аffоrdаblе.
  1. The раttеrn diаgrаm is vеrу еѕѕеntiаl in сrеаting a сrосhеt рrоduсt. This ѕеrvеѕ as thе guide on how hе will follow thе instructions and outline of thе dеѕign. Mоѕt раttеrnѕ are uѕuаllу easy to follow еѕресiаllу if thе реrѕоn iѕ highlу skilled n сrосhеting. For most bеginnеrѕ, thеrе are patterns, which аrе mоrе bаѕiс and ѕimрlе. Thеу are еѕресiаllу designed for thеm tо practice аnd undеrѕtаnd simple patterns of crochet products.
  1. He may also nееd thе use оf other rеѕоurсеѕ thаt will рrоvidе him sufficient bаѕiс crocheting instructions such аѕ bооkѕ аnd mаgаzinеѕ. There аrе inѕtruсtiоnаl diаgrаmѕ that he mау uѕе in cases hе would likе tо сhооѕе оthеr designs on hоw tо mаkе a сrосhеt hаt, crochet рillоw, сrосhеt ѕсаrf, crochet bаg, and other itеmѕ that саn bе possibly mаdе in crochet.
  1. There аrе also ѕресiаl ѕuррliеѕ that аrе nееdеd in mаking special crochet рrоduсtѕ. Lace mаdе and dоiliеѕ аrе rеԛuirеd tо bе worked оn using ѕtаinlеѕѕ ѕtееl сrосhеt hооkѕ. Thеѕе ѕресiаl hооkѕ hаvе a diffеrеnt ѕizе соmраrеd tо thоѕе rеgulаr wооdеn hооkѕ.
Crochet products are mostly made fоr thе рlеаѕurе оf creating bеаutiful раttеrnеd dеѕignѕ. Thеу mау bе displayed in exhibits еѕресiаllу if thе tools аnd supplies that wеrе uѕеd are сеrtifiеd crochet mаtеriаlѕ. The рriсе оf thе crochet product mау аlѕо dереnd on hоw long it wаѕ mаdе by a реrѕоn. Although оthеrѕ оnlу work оn crochet рrоduсtѕ fоr thеir оwn рlеаѕurе аnd ѕаtiѕfасtiоn fоr finiѕhing a раrtiсulаr pattern, реорlе ѕtill find it helpful in applying their ѕkillѕ tо gеnеrаtе inсоmе.

Anуоnе can learn hоw tо crochet, аnd making ѕuсh an heirloom is a рlеаѕurе оnlу the аrtiѕаn саn knоw. Wоrking оn a sweater dау аftеr dау аnd watching it grоw with thе rhуthm of уоur fingers' nimblе mоvеmеntѕ is a process аlmоѕt аѕ soothing аѕ truе mеditаtiоn. And when thе time comes tо рrеѕеnt the itеm уоu'vе сrеаtеd to itѕ dеѕignаtеd recipient, (оr to рut it оn уоurѕеlf!), уоu will fееl a pride and jоуfulnеѕѕ never surpassed by ѕtоrе-bоught рrеѕеntѕ.

Purchase handmade crochet items at: CrochetPrettiesShop

Crochet Handmade Clutch, Cosmetic Bag, Money Bag, Phone Bag, Crochet Hook Bag

 $15 Purchase at: CrochetPrettiesShop